刘一璋的音乐风格成长在东西方文化交汇处。他的音乐将中国传统哲学、诗歌、曲艺、民间小调与西方现代作曲理论和技法相结合,在中、美、英、德、意、俄、瑞士、巴西等许多国家和地区进行了广泛的演奏与传播。他的乐谱由奥地利维也纳环球出版社(Universal Edition)出版,钢琴作品Tempestuous Flow的录音由英国RMN Music发行,并被收录于大英图书馆声音和音乐档案馆。他合作过的知名团体和艺术家包括巴西国家交响乐团、中央民族乐团、湖南民族乐团、湖南省歌舞剧院、俄罗斯柴可夫斯基青年交响乐团、美国JACK四重奏、美国Formalist四重奏、著名指挥家王甫建、刘沙、著名笛子演奏家袁非凡、瑞士萨克斯演奏家Laurent Estoppey和美国诗人、词作家Charles Anthony Silvestri等。
刘一璋获得的主要荣誉有美国作曲家、作家和出版商协会(ASCAP)基金会Morton Gould青年作曲家奖荣誉奖、英国国王歌手新音乐奖优异奖、英国RMN Classical钢琴作品征集奖、奥地利Golden Key作曲比赛专业组二等奖、中国识途音乐奖专业组独奏作品二等奖和专业组室内乐作品二等奖、林耀基中国风格独奏小提琴国际作曲比赛优秀作品奖等。他参与的重要活动有“一粒种子 改变世界”原创民族音乐会、“千里潇湘”庆祝联合国中文日主题民乐音乐会、中国民族管弦乐学会新时代民族音乐创作发展论坛、俄罗斯叶卡捷琳堡国际音乐节、俄罗斯索契国际音乐节、美国堪萨斯大学亚洲古典音乐倡议2022首届国际会议、中国长江之韵:2020世界知名音乐院校交流展演季、意大利soundSCAPE音乐节、巴西圣保罗当代作曲家音乐节、美国大西洋音乐节、意大利亚得里亚海国际音乐节、美国SoundScore研讨会、2023湖南音乐季系列民族音乐会、“湘音湘情”湘籍作曲家作品专场民族音乐会等。他作为乐队指挥演出录制的原创音乐作品Pear Blossom由英国RMN Classical于2020年3月发行。此外,他还担任过2023湖南省委宣传部重点文艺项目——“一粒种子 改变世界”原创民族音乐会项目负责人、执行策划兼作曲主创和“眼与心”——2015中国深圳联觉艺术展音乐总监。
刘一璋经过中学、本科、硕士和博士阶段的刻苦学习,刘一璋在器乐、声乐和民乐写作上积累了较丰富的经验。除了对中国民族音乐的系统学习外,在各时期西方音乐史和作曲理论技术课程中均有突出表现。作为著名作曲家陈怡的助教,刘一璋在对作曲本、硕、博学生的授课方面取得了一定的经验,并受到学生们的普遍赞誉,被陈怡教授称赞为:“思维活跃、学术严谨、善于分享、耐心诱导。”刘一璋的专业导师有著名作曲家周龙、陈怡、杜咏、Stephen Hartke、Lewis Nielson、Tom Lopez、Paul Rudy、Yotam Haber、Jesse Jones、Elizabeth Ogonek、Aaron Helgeson等。
Liu Yizhang, a composer who blends Chinese and Western musical traditions, has been acclaimed as “an accomplished composer” by the King’s Singers. His music exhibits “a strong sense of harmonic integrity supporting ostensibly frenetic writing” and has been described as “wildly inventive … rhythmically charged, and captivating” by the King's Singers and the Robert Avalon International Competition Committee, respectively.
Liu Yizhang currently holds the position of composer in residence with the Hunan National Orchestra, the council member of the Composition and Compositional Theory Academy of the Hunan Musicians’ Association, as well as the committee member of the Emerging Music Groups Academy of the Hunan Musicians’ Association. He served as the curator, executive producer, and main composer for One Seed Changes the World: The Original Traditional Music Concert Series in Beijing, Changsha, and Huaihua from 2021 to 2023, the composition team member for the 2024 China National Arts Fund program with Hunan National Orchestra, Ballad of Hunan Province, the composition team member for the 2024 Hunan Province Opera & Dance Drama Theater program, A Panorama of Hunan Province, the Music Director for Shenzhen Fine Art Institute program, Eyes and Mind: China Contemporary Synesthesia Experimental Arts Exhibition in Shenzhen, China, in 2015. He also conducted the recording of Pear Blossom, featured in the 2020 Contemporary Chamber Work Volume 2 published by RMN Classical.
Liu Yizhang has thrived in settings where Western and Eastern cultures converge. His musical style melds traditional Chinese philosophies, poetry, and folk arts with contemporary Western compositional theories and techniques. His music is widely performed internationally, including in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Russia, Swiss, Brazil, and China. His music scores are published by Universal Edition. The recording of his piano work, Tempestuous Flow, was produced by RMN Music and added to the Sound and Music Archive of the British Library. Liu Yizhang has collaborated with renowned orchestras, ensembles, and artists, including the Brazilian National Orchestra, International Youth Tchaikovsky Orchestra, China National Traditional Orchestra, Hunan National Orchestra, JACK Quartet, Formalist Quartet, Laurent Estoppey, Charles Anthony Silvestri, Wang Fujian, Liu Sha, Yuan Feifan, and others.
Notable awards and honors received by Liu Yizhang include 2021 RMN Classical Call for Piano Works: Winning Prize, 2022 The ASCAP Foundation Morton Gould Young Composer Award: Honorable Mention, The King’s Singers New Music Prize: Honorable Mention, 2022 Golden Key Composition Competition Professional Category: Second Prize, 2022 MaestrosVision Award Professional Category Chamber Music: Second Prize, 2022 MaestrosVision Award Professional Category Solo Instrument Music: Second Prize, 2019 Lin Yao Ji International Competition for Solo Violin Composition in Chinese Style: Honorable Mention, among others. He has also been granted fellowships from organizations and institutions, including the 2024 Yekaterinburg International Music Festival, the 2024 Sochi International Music Festival, the Asian Classical Music Initiative at University of Kansas (2022), Sao Paulo Contemporary Composers Festival, Atlantic Music Festival, International Music Festival of the Adriatic, soundSCAPE Music Festival, SoundScore Workshop, and others. The important events Liu Yizhang attend include One Seed Changes the World: The Original Traditional Music Concert Series, Ballad of Hunan Province, 2024 China National Arts Fund program with Hunan National Orchestra, A Panorama of Hunan Province: A Concert of Traditional Chinese Instruments in Celebration of the United Nations Chinese Language Day Programme, the Forum of the Creation and Development of Traditional Music in New Era by China Nationalities Orchestra Society and Zhejiang Conservatory of Music (2023), 2023 Hunan Music Season, Melody of Yangtze River: 2020 World Famous Music Institution Exchange Performance Season, and others.
Liu Yizhang earned his Doctor of Musical Arts in Composition and Master of Music in Composition from the University of Missouri-Kansas City Conservatory in 2022 and 2020 respectively. He obtained his Bachelor of Music in Composition from Oberlin Conservatory in 2018. His principal composition teachers have included Professors Stephen Hartke, Chen Yi, Zhou Long, Lewis Nielson, Tom Lopez, Paul Rudy, Yotam Haber, Jesse Jones, Elizabeth Ogonek, Aaron Helgeson, and Du Yong.